Monday, 25 January 2010

mark audio and video

Mark's video. was unable to copy to CD.

music (c) rascal flatts
other audio (c) me

Sunday, 17 January 2010

mark process 1 -6 images final

Then finally using the ever popular comic sans, i added the rest of my text.
i then angled it and changed the font colour to red .

For the text for the sound effect i used the font cracked. i then applied an arch to the text to make it clear it was coming from the alarm clock.
then using the border tool, i created a black border for my text boxes.

i then added on a layer above the line art for the speech bubbles. by holding down the shift key while using the brush i was able to create straight lines, and fill them in white.
Then, i created a brush for the window, and on a separate layer added it to make the light marks on the bed.
i then added the text to the clock
i then added colour using the brush tool. for the patterns on the wallpaper i used a pre set brush.
i then began to add different textures that i had scanned to the image.

I then began to add colour on a separate layer beneath the line art layer. for the alarm clock, because its a light source in itself, i filled in the colour with a 29pnt brush, then added an outer glow effect so that the red could be seen on the surrounding objects when coloured.
Then using my tablet, and a 18pnt brush i added on a separate layer the line art, making the drawing a lot clearer and easier to edit.
On my comic pages, firstly i would draw them out by hand, then scan them in.
i also scanned in an image of the vote no on prop 8 sign, and added some effects to it, such as cut out and brush strokes to make it look part of the sign.

I then proceeded to lower or lighten the hue or saturation to make the selected area brighter or darker, making the image stand out better from the background and not look as flat.

Mark process 1 -6 images

Realizing that the copic drawing wasn't distinguished enough from the background, I decided to add some further highlights and dark tones to the image. to do this, I selected the chosen area, then feathered the selection.
i then scanned an image of a tattered american flag, and lowered its opacity and placed it below the image of the copic drawing and the text, but kept it above the cardboard so that again, it looked like it was drawn on the cardboard.
Then i scanned some cardboard and selected a area that i liked and dragged it onto the document i was working on. i then put it below the copic drawing layer and the text layer to make the image appear as if it had been drawn on the cardboard.
Then using the text tool, i created the text for the background, using a lucida hands script as i wanted the text to look clean, yet hand written. i also lowered the opacity so that it appears as if it is written over the image of the characters.
Firstly, i scanned in the copic drawing i did of Elliot and Jared, and using the magic wand tool, i deleted the background of the paper to make the image cleaner.

Friday, 15 January 2010

rotoscope -brianj

Rotoscoping was first created by the animator Max Fleischer, for his short comedy animation series, out of the inkwell. the series was created in 1915, and was created with his brother david Fleischer dressed as a clown as the direct reference for koko the clown. rotoscoping is achieved through tracing over an already created film frame by frame. pre recorded where originally projected onto frosted glass for the animator to draw over the image. the only problem with this method is the boiling it causes, making the image look jittery and unnatural. this method was soon copied by walt disney studios, and max Fleischer intended to sue, but in the discovery of a previous device, similar to the rotoscope, fleischer dropped his charges.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

tony evaluation

Lucy Clay

Lightwave Evaluation

What were you asked to do?

For my project brief, I was asked to create a 3D world in lightwave based on what I think the world would look like in 80 years. I was also to show the world using lightwave to make a short video to show a 360 degree view of the world I had created.

What did you make/present?

I presented a futuristic adaptation of the planet earth in 80 years time. Within my world, I showed how two separate dimensions had split and combined together in the future to create my world. In the opposing dimension, the world is made up of huge, ant hill like structures that the creatures from the other dimension live in. where as our world is still made up of normal looking housing and buildings. So when I combined the two, I tried to make it appear as if the alien dimension had grown around ours.

What did you want to communicate?

I wanted to communicate how I thought the world would adapt to such changes, instead of trembling in fear, how we would rise above our differences and work together. I did this through showing whole buildings built into and around the ant hills, instead of destroyed and ruined.

Who was your intended audience?

My intended audience for my light wave project was the mid teens to late twenties, as this is the niece audience who shows the largest amount of interest in the sci-fi genre, something that my work connotes well through the futuristic aspect of the whole model.

What materials and processes did you experiment with?

I experimented with the use of different weight maps to create my landscape for my buildings, as well as a number of textures to try and get the closest realistic effect I could manage. I also experimented with the Boolean tool, something that I am not comfortable with, yet I am proud of the effects that I created through its use.

What materials and processes did you reject?

I rejected the use self created weight maps, as I found that the ones created in Photoshop seemed to perfect, and did not contain enough random points of height and low ground to be considered realistic. I also rejected the use of self ready shapes such as cogs and stars, as they appeared to be too difficult to use when creating the certain specific shapes I needed for my buildings.

What materials and processes did you use in your final designs?

In my final designs I used large amounts of naturally occurring textures for my textures on my objects as well as using large amounts of basic shapes, then using point tool, then the drag tool to warp the shapes into the shapes I needed for my finals.

How do the materials you chose to use help you to communicate your message to your audience?

They helped me connote the feeling of destruction in the audience, as well as the knowledge that humans could survive no matter what was thrown at them , and still adapt to continue the human race. I wanted to connote the feeling of hope, even though almost everything is lost within the audience. I was able to connote this through the strange and odd shaped buildings in my work, as well as the more recognizable homes seen in the image.

What did you do to ensure you worked with tools and materials safely?

To make sure I took regular breaks from working on the computer to rest my eyes, I also made sure to keep all liquids away from the equipment I was using, in case of a spill that could lead to a malfunction or and electrical surge.

How well did you manage your time?

I used my planner to help me organize my time, though I found it hard to maintain both my work and my college work, as my job took up a lot of spare time. It was also difficult to work through as I struggled with other classes’ work as well as this project.

What were your strengths in completing this project?

My strengths in completing this project would be in my research as I go into large amounts of connotations and denotations as to understand how other lightwave images worked well and how others do not. I also work well with my research as I gained a lot of different images to study and learn things from, meaning I could improve my own project.

What would you like to have done differently?

I would have liked to start off in a different way, as I struggled with using blogger and my first little book, and I preferred to layout my work in an a3 pad, as I am more familiar with this. I also would have liked to work longer on putting more housing into my final, as well as a larger variation of ant hills, with more detailed shapes.

What will you do to ensure you improve for the next project?

I will insure to improve my time management, especially when it comes down to my job and college education. I will also add further detail into my work, as well as go into deeper depth with my research. This will make the whole project a little bit easier to work with on my time scale. I will also spend longer working with the program in my spare time so I can understand how it works better, and thus improve my finals in the future.