Monday, 28 September 2009

digital story telling - unit 45 / digital image capture - unit 124

insect kings - by Kristian Lusasinti

Insect kings is an internet story about interdimentional world, ruled by bug like deities. the story has been released in small snippets, with small drawing trailers of still images.

Friday, 25 September 2009

web design - reserch

this website was unusually confusing to navigate, and as a portfolio, i found it rather empty and boring to look at due to its plain colours and shapes. the website used bright yellow on a white background, making the image look overtly light and happy, in a sort of sickly way. it also left the audience confused due to the language settings and hard to read font. this could be improved by using a simpler font, and more attractive colours.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Background animation - Artist link - animation

image 1) halloween gates 
image 2) twirling briar rose 
image 3) little bo peep chopped of her...
Blithe girl on deviantart creates basic, yet effective backgrounds for her artwork through designing them on photoshop, then colouring in flats then adding textures on the layer below, to give them a feeling of depth. this can be seen in her piece, "little bo peep chopped off her..." where she has applied soft pastel colours to a plain background so that it resembles the main image of bo peep, bringing her whole image together. 

she also has used the simple method of shading with the paint tool in her tim burton esc picture, halloween gates. by making the image look stretched and elongated as well as darker due to the contrast of light and dark. 

ideas for animation - Brians lesson

1) basically a 2-d animation created in photoshop, similar to a trailer. it will depict snippets of my life, but in a cartoon style. this will be shown in the personal appearance of me within the piece, instead of it resembling me, i will use a persona to represent my ideas and self, as well as a inner demon personification to represent things stopping me. the trailer will begin with me as a child, and how i grow through life, influencing events, and end with me literally fighting my demons so that i may achieve what i want in life.

2) an animation showing how ideas and my emotions influence me. the animation will start with me in a stop frame animation, which will be obscurely jittered, similar to tim burtons style of animating. from my head, 2-d images will emit, resembling characters i have created and emotions that i feel.

3) A quick, pencil shaded coloured animation of my family. this will be created with basic stick images, representing different people in my life and how they change my environment.

4) a stop frame animation showing me in y room, creating objects from plasterscene. these objects then come to life, and each represents a different emotion that i feel and why.

5) animation begins in stop animation, of me sat on a bus, listening to music. the camera travels up the headphone wire then into my ear, then through my ear into my brain, slowly turning from stop animation to 2-d animation. it then shows my characters and flashes through the other worlds within my head, and the people and creatures that live there. 

6) Music starts playing softly and its a stop animation of me drawing a picture sped up, the picture then comes to life and travels of the page and up y arm, where it sits on my shoulder and starts talking to me about how i can improve the drawing and tells me about the character I've drawn and what it represents to me. 

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Artwork trades -deviantart

art trades i've recently created for some friends on deviantart, tell me what you think and don't be scared to give me crit, I'm looking to improve ^^

Friday, 18 September 2009

unit 18, unit 32: animation - research

for one of my ideas for my animation project is the creation of a 2-D animation trailer, advertising the film, "my life". this will be laid out like a fairy-tale story with areas made eccentric that have had a large influence in my life. "the princess and the frog" is a recently released disney movie, telling the story of a young princess and a prince who has been turned into a frog by a witch-doctor. this denotes fantasy, something that i want to denote within my final piece and it also connotes a feeling of a struggle, something that will play a huge part within my final piece, as i wish to connote inner conflict through the use of inner demons and personas (representing Frauds theory of  the Id, ego and super ego. )

unit 39: website design - research

incredibox, is a musical based website where you create the music. this keeps the audience interested through the drag and drop function where the creator has made several little people, that you can add different functions to do so that you can create your own song. this is done by dragging and dropping the separate symbols to the person, making them sing, play an instrument, create special effects, and so fourth. the websites only flaw id that it is hard to navigate about and after a while the music the people make becomes rather annoying. this could be fixed by adding a larger variation of sounds, meaning that the audience will be able to use the site for longer. 

unit 39: Website design - research

Bio-bak is an eccentric artist that shows his personality through his bright, and surreal artwork. this connotes that he is a very bright and loud person, who enjoys his artwork. this can be seen through the quality of his artwork and the amount of time he has put into developing his website, making it interactive and fun to use, as well as keeping the audience interested. he has used bright colours on a dim grey /  brown background to draw the audiences attention towards his actual artwork, and away from the dull of the background, as well as using a style of typography that resembles hand writing, thus bringing the site to a more personal level.  by having an interactive website on multiple levels, the audience becomes intrigued and will spend a longer time on the website than usually intended. 

Thursday, 17 September 2009

another design idea i have for the future world design is based around a comic that i am working on, where the two dimensions collide, and the creatures from the dream world cross over. this idea is heavily influenced by H.P. Lovecraft, an author from the 2nd world war, whose work mainly rotated around parallel dimensions filled with gods and other creatures, that feed from the mental and evil energies created and given of by the human race, till they are strong enough to break through and harvest the earth for food. in my idea, these creatures are not technically from another dimension, they where here to start of with and they where woken up for some unkown reason. (im still working out the kinks :D ) and ran riot in 2012, destroying animals, humans, wildlife and the entire landscape till nothing but rubble remains. (this date was chosen due to the amount of profercies predicting armogedden will occur when the pope dies in 2012.) the surviving humans now live in multi-security buildings and have to undergo cryogenic freezing when they sleep to keep their body heat down because the "creatures" scense brainwaves, and use them to hunt down the last remanents of mankind. the earth therefore has been left to the demons, and people now live in prison like buildings, away from mainland. (makes it harder for them to be attacked.)

gorillaz - feel good inc / Dirty harry

for my multimedia, Lightwave research, environments in the future. i have two separate ideas, one, influenced by floating islands and other fantasy aspects, conveying the feeling of getting away from earthly ties and problems. i have decided to possibly play with this idea, but twisting it to an idealist world of where the earth is left behind, yet is still suffering from human pollution, as the waste is being passed down to earth. i have decided to reserch this through Gorillaz music video and concept art for "feel good inc." this music video conveys being trapped by your own wishes, needs and desires, and the need to escape to a better place. this can be seen through the character 2-D looking out through the confinements of the feel good inc window towards the floating windmill island, with noodle (lead guitarist) playing of the outcrop of bright green grass, looking peaceful and happy. at the end of the video, 2-D realizes he cannot escape the inc, so he sits back down whispering to himself, "feel good." to try and convince himself that he feels good. 

thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

well... this is new.

Ok, forgive me on the slow start up. this is rather different to the other web blogs that I'm used to so it may take me a while to get on my feet. 

I will be using this blog to show work for my college multimedia course, as a portfolio for my artwork, and as a collection of research images for my projects. these images will possibly have been moved from my deviant-art account; so if you see images from there here, don't worry, its not copyright infringement as i am the original artist.

Some of my work will be under mature content, due to violence, gore e.c.t, but hopefully most will be Ok for public viewing. 

err... thanks for reading! :D